Measuring impact (workbook)
What unique aspects of networks matter for evaluation and why?
Guide to measuring impact
Everything you need to know about measuring the impact of a network in one short guide. Why, what and how to measure – and how to use the findings.
Stages of network building
Network weavers are the people who bring disparate groups together and provide the spark for collaboration, creating a web of connections until a network is formed. Maps that look like constellations pick out the connections forming and show how strong the network is. This poster shows how social network maps change shape as networks develop.
Creating a social network map
Rebecca Watts and Sarah Perry from Living Wandle Landscape Partnership talk to us about mapping the network of the Wandle Valley, their unexpected findings and newfound opportunities.
Network evaluation guide
A guide by Network Impact and Center for Evaluation Innovation teaches us that three things matter for effective network functioning, making each an important focus for evaluation: connectivity, health and results. Check out their site which also has a casebook of case studies putting these impact measurement tools into practice.